Wir haben den ersten Advent 2024


Es ist tatsächlich schon der erste Advent und wir teilen wieder einen Weihnachtstrack mit euch. Reverend & The Makers haben für Charity Zwecke die Cover Single Late Night Phonecall veröffentlicht.

Sänger Jon McClure sagt folgendes über ihr grandioses Cover:

Late Night Phone Call’ is a weird one in that it isn’t a Christmas song and doesn’t really have a chorus, yet it totally felt like a Christmas pop song from the very beginning. It’s also based loosely on a true story where I went out and had a gallon of Guinness and rang [wife] Laura [McClure] up on the way home drunkenly telling her that I love her. As you can see in the video, she wasn’t initially too impressed given the hour but obviously I won her round with a bit of the old Northern charm and apple crumble. My mum and friends all cried when they heard the song. My dad was a big fan of it before he passed away so there’s a lot of emotion wrapped up in it too as it’s our first Xmas without him.

Reverend & The Makers - Late Night Phonecall
Reverend & The Makers - Late Night Phonecall
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